Residents may access the fitness center at the Amenity Center 24 hours a day. Residents may utilize cardio and strength training machines as well as free weight area with a variety of weighted dumbbells as well as access to a movement studio. Restrooms and shower areas are also accessible while working out and towels are provided for your convenience.
We also offer a variety of group fitness classes, personal training sessions, wellness seminars, and massage services are available upon request. Residents may pay an annual fee to be part of our Wellness and Fitness program which includes group fitness classes and wellness seminars at no additional fee. If you are interested in joining our Wellness and Fitness program please see a member of the Lifestyle Team at the Amenity Center and they will be happy to sign you up.
Wellness and Fitness programs
The Resident Wellness Program provides you with access to a calendar of fitness classes including water, cardio, strength, and flexibility. The classes will be specifically designed by each instructor to fit the level of participants with progressions and/or modifications from the instructor. This membership does not guarantee you a spot in classes, however, we offer a 2-week rolling registration which we encourage all residents to use to secure your participation. For our cancelation policy please refer to our class schedule.

Type of Membership: Annual Resident Wellness Program
Single: $325 | Non-member class fee: $15 | Family: $375 | Guest of Resident fee: $20
The Resident Wellness Program is for current residents only. Plus applicable sales tax. Program is non-transferable and nonrefundable. The Wellness Program includes two adults per household and their children under 21 years of age who are permanent residents of the home. Due to limited space, prior registration may be required and is always encouraged. Additional fees may be charged for special classes or seminars. All personal training provided for additional fee.